Motivations of Travel & Tourism

I think the two biggest driving forces behind people traveling are either to escape whatever is troubling them in hopes to find enlightenment along their journey, or to see part of the world that is different from their normal surrounds. A quote that best sums up this idea is one by Pat Conroy.

“Once you have traveled, the voyage never ends, but is played out over and over again in the quietest chambers. The mind can never break off from the journey.” — Pat Conroy

This thought could be applied to either of the reasons people travel. Those who leave to escape a deeper part of themselves are searching for just this. Both Alex and Cheryl left their lives behind, aside from Cheryl putting hers on hold, to try to find themselves along their journey. Their purpose for packing their bags and leaving were to escape their past and live for a while on their own terms; open up doors for new experiences, endeavors, and coming to peace with themselves.

Others may decide that they want to see more of the world than where they live and commute to regularly. Speaking from personal experience, I’ve had a strong vested interest in learning about how other people live and the culture in major cities ever since I was in middle school. As time progressed and as I discovered my love for photography, I wanted to capture and share what I saw while traveling in a way that is more than just documenting the moment. Through exploring new and foreign places, I know that I’ll be able to learn more and understand how different, yet similar everyone is.

What is found on a journey traveling is ultimately up to the traveler. Each and every person has their own perspectives and own take on the world. We all interpret situations different, and I think that’s part of the beauty of traveling.


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