Eco Tourism and Voluntourism

Upon researching companies that are taking initiative in providing ecotourism opportunities or sustainability practices, I found three based on my interests. These include Noah, Heron Preston, and PlanMyGapYear. Some of these companies are newer than others, and some of them have decided to expand their practices even further in the recent years.

The first two companies that came to my mind were Heron Preston and Noah. These are both fairly large streetwear companies that have grown exponentially over the last few years. I’m big into fashion so I had known about these companies prior to researching for companies that have taken initiative to become more sustainable and alleviate their impact on the environment. Oddly enough, Noah takes the stand to say that they are in fact not a sustainable company. Their reasoning behind this is that if they were a sustainable company, they wouldn’t produce clothing anymore and encourage people to buy already existing clothing. What they are doing however, is they promote companies such as Patagonia who are doing whatever they can to lessen their environmental impact and give back to communities.

Noah has a similar approach. They model themselves after only using recycled materials to create their clothing, and they make clothing that will outlive some of today’s current trends so that people aren’t just throwing it away. Heron Preston does the same. They have reached out to small production companies that use 100% recycled materials and treat their workers fairly. On top of that, they are both actively looking for ways to cut back on packaging material waste. This may be by using recyclable or biodegradable materials along with cutting back on the amount of packaging they’re using. They also promote ways to be sustainable and to preserve our environment since the fashion industry is second in having the most negative impact on our environment.

PlanMyGapYear does something a little different. They’re a company that focuses on Voluntourism. This is a practice of traveling to make an impact on a community or city that needs it. The company was founded by volunteers, for volunteers. PlanMyGapYear focuses on working with local communities in developing areas to work toward long-term sustainable goals. The difference between them and other organizations are that they work with the community to solve problems within it. It’s more than going to a community to build a church or a school that won’t be utilized. Volunteers are also taught about the city, area, and culture along their journey to volunteer and make a difference.



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